Amazon Alexa

Integration published by Jovo | 12,791 downloads

Build apps for Amazon's Alexa assistant platform

Alexa Skill Monetization

Learn how to make money with your Alexa Skills and Jovo.


The possibility of monetizing an application is an important part of building a sustainable ecosystem arounnd a platform like Alexa.

Over the last few years, Amazon introduced several concepts how creators can make money with their skills.

Types of Monetization

There are two main types of how you can make money with your Alexa Skills.

In-Skill Purchases (ISPs) can be seen as the equivalent of in-app purchases in mobile apps. If you have digital goods (for example additional questions or lives in a game, or content subscriptions) that you want to sell, ISPs are the way to go. Learn more about In-Skill Purchases here.

Amazon Pay is the payment service provided by Amazon. Alexa Skills that sell goods like physical products or tickets can use the integration for a seamless checkout expeience. Learn more about Amazon Pay here.

Amazon Alexa Changelog

Jovo Marketplace | GitHub | npm

Current version might be higher than the latest changes displayed below because of updates of dependencies.

2021-10-27 [3.5.5]

2021-02-22 [3.5]

  • #901 Move setResponse from response to after.response middleware (@aswetlow)
  • #901 Route Alexa.Presentation.APLA.RuntimeError requests to ON_ERROR (@aswetlow)

2020-11-10 [3.2.1]

2020-08-21 [3.0.30]

3.0.17 (2020-05-13)

🐛 Bug fix

  • jovo-platform-alexa Fix http status in ReminderAPI

Committers: 1

3.0.13 (2020-05-04)

💅 Enhancements

  • jovo-platform-alexa #734 Add getPermissionIsCardThrown (@rmtuckerphx)
  • jovo-platform-alexa Add types for skill event body objects

Committers: 2

3.0.11 (2020-04-06)

  • Updated Typescript to 3.8.x
  • Updated Prettier to 2.x

Committers: 2


Find the 2.x changelog here.

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