Google Assistant (Dialogflow)

Integration published by Jovo | 9,679 downloads

Build apps for Google's Assistant platform using Dialogflow

Push Notifications

Learn more about how to send push notifications to your Google Action users.


The Push Notifications feature allows you to send user's notifications, which if tapped, triggers a predefined intent of your Google Action.

Before being able to send out notifications to your user, you have to first have them opt-in to receive notifications for a specific intent. Only then, can you send out notifications for that specific intent to be triggered.

The process to send out notifications has the following four steps:

  1. Configure your Google Action to support notifications
  2. Ask the user to opt in
  3. Prepare the notification you want to send
  4. Get the access token needed to send out notifications
  5. Send out the actual notification.


First of all, you have to make the necessary configurations to send out notifications.

You have to specify the intents, which support notifications, by first adding them to the set of intents, which can be triggered by implicit invocations inside your Dialogflow Agent:

Dialogflow Implicit Invocation

After you've done that, you can find the intent as one of your Actions on your Google Actions Actions tab:

Google Action Actions

Select the intent and at the bottom of the tab you will find the User engagement section, where you can enable the push notifications as well as set a content title:

Google Action Action User Engagement

After you've done that, you have to get a service account key for your Google Action as you will need it later on to get the access token needed to send out notifications.

For that, you have to first go the following url (replace the your-project-id part with your project's id) and enable the Actions API:

Google Actions API

Now, go over to, again replace the your-project-id part, and create a new service account key:

Google Service Account

Select Project Owner as the role and JSON as the key type:

Google Create Service Account

Now that you got your service account key as well, all the preparation is done.

User Permission

To ask the user if they want to opt-in to get push notifications for the specified intent, you have to first send the user suggestion chips that invite them to subscribe. If they are interested use the askForNotification(intent) function to prompt them to opt-in:

The response to the question will be mapped to the Jovo built-in ON_PERMISSION intent, where you can check wether the permission was granted using this.$googleAction.isPermissionGranted():

Notification Object

The notification object contains the data you want to send to your user and has to have the following format:

Name Description Value Required
title Specifies the title of the notification string Yes
userId Specifies the user who will receive the notification string Yes
intent Specifies the intent which will be executed after the user tapped on the notification string Yes
locale Specifies the locale string Yes

Notification Module

To access the $notification module, which contains the methods needed to send out push notifications you have to first install the googleapis package as a dependency:

The module itself is also not added automatically to the google-platform-googleassistant plugin, you have to add it manually in your app.js file:

After you have done both, you can access the $notification module like this:

Access Token

To get the access token needed to send the notification, you need the service account key you downloaded earlier. Using key's client_email and private_key attributes you can use sendAuthRequest(clientEmail, privateKey), which will return you an object containing the access token, or you use getAccessToken(clientEmail, privateKey) to get only the access token:

Send the Notification

Using the access token and the notification object you can send the push notification:

Google Assistant Changelog

Current version might be higher than the latest changes displayed below because of updates of dependencies.

2021-07-07 [3.5.4]
  • #948 ✨ Add enableFullScreen and continueTtsDuringTouch (@aswetlow)

2021-02-22 [3.5]

  • #901 Move setResponse from response to after.response middleware (@aswetlow)
2020-11-20 [3.2.3]
2020-11-05 [3.2.1]
  • Fix Transaction API v2/v3 incomptibility

🐛 Bug Fix

  • #716 Corrected logic for retrieving project-ids in staged environments (@m-ripper)

Committers: 3

3.0.11 (2020-04-06)

  • Updated Typescript to 3.8.x
  • Updated Prettier to 2.x

Committers: 2


Find the 2.x changelog here.

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