Google Datastore

Integration published by Jovo | 2,352 downloads

Store user data in a Datastore database on Google Cloud

Google Cloud Datastore Database Integration

Learn how to store user specific data of your Alexa Skills and Google Actions to Google Cloud Datastore.


The Google Cloud Datastore integration allows you to store user session data in the NoSQL service running on Google Cloud. This integration is especially convenient if you're running your voice app on Google Cloud Functions. You can find the official documentation about Google Cloud Datastore here:

Learn more about hosting your application on Google Cloud Functions.


Download the package like this:

Google Cloud Datastore can be enabled in the src/app.js file like this:

The Jovo Datastore plugin and the official Google Datastore package (Google Cloud Datastore Docs) share the same configuration options. You can specify them in your config.js file the following way:

It's important that you authenticate your client with the Google Cloud API. The recommended way is to use a Google service account. You can specify the path to the service account's JSON key file path in your config.js file:

Datastore Changelog

Current version might be higher than the latest changes displayed below because of updates of dependencies.

3.0.11 (2020-04-06)

  • Updated Typescript to 3.8.x
  • Updated Prettier to 2.x

Committers: 2


Find the 2.x changelog here.

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