Twilio Autopilot

Integration published by Jovo | 1,513 downloads

Build apps for the phone and text with Twilio's Autopilot platform

Twilio Autopilot Platform Integration

Learn more about Twilio Autopilot specific features that can be used with the Jovo Framework.


The Twilio Autopilot platform allows you to build, train, and deploy bots that work across web and mobile chat, SMS, WhatsApp, and your contact center.

The platform is not completely integrated into the Jovo ecosystem yet. While you can use the framework to provide the logic for your bot, the language model has to be created on the Autopilot Developer Platform.

After creating your Autopilot bot, you simply have to set each task to redirect to the endpoint your Jovo project is running on:


All of the Autopilot specific objects and functions are accessed using the $autopilotBot object:

The object will only be defined if the incoming request is from Autopilot. Because of that, you should first check wether it's defined or not before accessing it:

Some of Autopilot's features are integrated directly into the framework while others are not.

The integrated ones are Say, Listen, Show, and Play. While Show and Play are Autopilot specific, Say and Listen where integrated into the basic functionalities of the framework, i.e. this.tell() and this.ask().

tell() is the same as Say and ask is the same as the combination of the Say and Listen actions.

Besides that, the $autopilotBot object provides the setActions() function, which allows you to set the array of actions yourself.

That way you can use any of the functionality provides by the Autopilot platform:

Audioplayer - Play action

To play audio files in your response, you use the $audioPlayer object and its play() function.

The play() function has the following parameters:

Name Description Value Required
url The url to the hosted mp3 file string yes
loop The number of times the file should be looped number yes

Visual Output - Show action

To add a card to your response use the showStandardCard() function:

The showStandardCard() function has the following parameters:

Name Description Value Required
content The body of the card string yes
image Either an image or an array of images image image[] no
image.label Tag of the image string no
image.url The url to the hosted jpg or png file string yes

New Session

Incoming requests from Twilio Autopilot don't specify wether the request is from a new session or an existing one. Parts of the Jovo functionality depends on that information, e.g. the NEW_SESSION intent.

If you want to use these features, you have to save the session ID in the database. You can do it by adding the following configuration to your project:

After that, entries in your database will have the following schema:

Twilio Autopilot Changelog

Current version might be higher than the latest changes displayed below because of updates of dependencies.

2021-02-22 [3.5]

  • #901 Move setResponse from response to after.response middleware (@aswetlow)

3.0.11 (2020-04-06)

  • Updated Typescript to 3.8.x
  • Updated Prettier to 2.x

🐛 Bug Fix

Committers: 2


Find the 2.x changelog here.

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