How to Extend Built-in Slots with the Jovo Language Model

by Jan König on Sep 10, 2018

Learn how to extend Alexa built-in slots like AMAZON.US_CITY and Dialogflow system entities like @sys.geo-city-us with the Jovo Language Model.

Introduction to Built-in Slots and Entities

The Jovo Language Model is an abstraction layer for Alexa Interaction Models and Dialogflow Agents.

With the Jovo Language Model, you can reference built-in slot and entity types like this:

In the example above, we have an intent called ILiveInCityIntent that uses a single entity that references the Alexa built-in slot AMAZON.US_CITY and the Dialogflow sytem entity @sys.geo-city-us.

Although these entities work well often, it might sometimes be helpful to extend them with certain values to make sure they fit for your use case. In this case, it might be helpful to add a smaller town that could otherwise not be found, but is critical for the conversation.

Let's update the language model to make that work.

How to Extend Built-in Slots

These are the steps you need to take to extend your built-in slots and system entities:

Create a new Input Type

Instead of directly referencing the built-in entities in the inputs array of your intent, let's create a new input type called US_CITY:

Add this new type to the inputTypes object of your language model file:

You can learn more about Input Types here.

Reference Alexa and Dialogflow Types

In your input type, you can now reference the built-in slots like you did in the intent inputs above:

Add Additional Values

Finally, you can add additional values like this:

Build the new Language Model

After updating the models/en-US.json (or other locale) file in your Jovo project, run the following command to build the platform specific language model files:

Jan König

Co-founder at Jovo

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