Error Handling

Learn more about different ways of error handling when building Jovo apps and plugins.


Error handling allows you to catch certain errors that happen when the app is initialized or during the handler execution.

You can use the onError() method to react to those events. For example, this can be used for logging or sending notifications.

Jovo also has an error class called JovoError which can be used for structured error output, for example when building Jovo plugins.


onError() allows you to add a callback function with an error and jovo parameter. It is a method of app, so it is recommended to use it somewhere in your app configuration files, for example app.ts:

import { Jovo } from '@jovotech/framework';
// ...

app.onError((error: Error, jovo: Jovo) => {
  // ...

Currently, onError() catches the following events:

  • Errors happening during App.initialize()
  • Errors happening during App.handle()
  • Errors happening during handler execution (ComponentTreeNode.executeHandler())
  • When a platform sends an ERROR request

The jovo parameter is undefined if the error is thrown outside a handler (for example during initialize()).

The function that is passed to onError() can also be asynchronous:

app.onError(async (error: Error, jovo: Jovo) => {
  // ...

You can also use onError() multiple times:

app.onError((error: Error, jovo: Jovo) => {
  /* ... */
app.onError((error: Error, jovo: Jovo) => {
  /* ... */


When building Jovo plugins and other extensions, it's helpful to use the JovoError class to provide more structure information when an error occurs.

import { JovoError } from '@jovotech/common';
// ...

throw new JovoError({ message: 'This is a sample error.' });

JovoError has the following properties:

messagestringMain error message. Required.
hintstringPotential steps to resolve the issue.
learnMorestringA link where you can find more information. Learn more: <learnMore>.
contextAnyObjectAdditional data that might be helpful for debugging. Can be any object.
packagestringThe package where the error occurred, for example @jovotech/framework.